Tips to figure out that the roof needs replacement

When it comes to roofing solutions; people normally do not think about it often. Do not wait for water to seep in through the ceiling in order to replace your roof. Look out for obvious signs of damage and decide accordingly. Sometimes the signs can be quite obvious; but at times you may be in a fix and may not understand what it is trying to tell you. For all your needs relating to roof repair and installationFriscoRoofingPro has you covered.

Here are a few signs that your roof needs replacement:

Missing shingles are visible – If your roof is exposed to nature, some of the components may wear out with time. This can result in broken or missing shingles. Any missing part of your canopy is a symbol of roof decay.

Broken flashing – Depending on the age of your roof, your flashing may be of cement, tar or meta which can be damaged with time which further means that your ceiling is at risk for water damage.

Age of your roof – On an average, the asphalt shingle roofing may last you for about 25 years. A tile and metal ceiling can last you long though. In case it is coming close to its replacement age; you can consider replacement. In case you have opted for overlaying previously; a replacement is a must-have for you.

Your Home Shows the Symptoms – It is your home itself which shows the signs of roof replacement. You may find some kind of water stains on your wall or may hear water drilling from your ceiling. In such a case you need to check on the insulation and if you find it soggy; it needs a replacement. You can be sure to meet all your roof repair and installation needs only at Frisco Roofing Pro.

Growth of Unwanted Plants – Moss, mold and fungi might grow on your ceiling indicating trapped moisture and if it is the case; it definitely calls for replacement.

Ice Dams – If you come across ice dams, it implies that you have roofing ventilation issues. This may lead to icicles hanging from the cupola and as the water starts soaking; it surely implies that you need to go for roof replacement.

Hire a professional and reliable roofing contractor like Frisco Roofing Pro and be sure to get the best services.

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